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Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by anymouse
8/20/2008  3:27:00 PM
"I would think that you cant have sway at that point because the movement of the upper body (relative to the feet)needed for CBMP and close contact, will be incompatible with that required for the sway. Its a case of knees having to point one way or t'other. And also you cant easily incline L from the waist and at the same time rotate the upper body clockwise from the waist (presumbly something to do with the anatomy of the hip joint such that when rotated to its its extreme in one plane its movement in other planes is more restricted)"

Wouldn't this argument also apply to the quick open reverse? Only that does have sway.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by interested
8/20/2008  4:46:00 PM
Well as Guy Howard says, the technique isn't perfect. Its certainly a compromise.

In this case, surely something will have to give. I think I am right in saying that the sway will compromise the contact. But in this case its only for one step,in fact less as the follow will commence in line again. Maybe the larger amount of turn justifies it in the case of the QOR.

On the other hand, maybe, my argument is flawed.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by anymouse
8/21/2008  4:39:00 PM
"I think I am right in saying that the sway will compromise the contact."

The classic example of an outside partner action - the feather, or even more so, the back feather - would seem to dispute this in their dramatic use of sway.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by interested
8/21/2008  5:16:00 PM
so do you think the contact is compromised.

what else might be the reason for the lack of sway on a back lock. i guess the pointing of the knees would also be opposite to what happens when crossing in front. also the toe release/balancing would be difficult with sway as the leg is too straight for sway at the point of equal weight distribution.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by anymouse
8/22/2008  6:08:00 AM
"so do you think the contact is compromised."

No. If anything, the sway makes it easier to retain a good relative body position.

"what else might be the reason for the lack of sway on a back lock."

The syncopation makes the steps shorter and thus less swingy, so there's less call for swing sourced sway. And the lack of turn means no call for turn sourced sway.

"as the leg is too straight for sway at the point of equal weight distribution."

Due to the smaller step size in a lock I dispute that the leg is straight, and also that having the leg straight would preclude sway.

Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by Polished
8/21/2008  3:49:00 PM
Interested. Why not accept that there is no Sway on a Drag Hesitation and there never has been since the beginning. You might as well ask why in a Change of Direction there is Sway. The answer is because there is.
I think maybe you are trying to keep Anonymous at it.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by interested
8/21/2008  5:01:00 PM
i think if that is the case then you have to conclude that the whole exam system amounts to testing one's ability to rote memorise obscure details that dont have any real significance. is that what you think ?
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by interested
8/21/2008  5:40:00 PM
interestingly, even the CoD has restrictions on sway as here it's broken sway and the knees not used- so maybe there is more to this - as this figure has completely different follows taken in line.

i had a teacher once who told me the sway on the COD was mainly for effect.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by Polished
8/21/2008  6:30:00 PM
Intersted. There is a lot more going on in the Change of Direction. After a Feather Finish there is Sway on step 2 and is a must with the second step being a wide step. Also it has in it CBM and CBMP. The second step can be held for an extra slow. This you have to do to stay in rhythm if you are going straight into a Feather Step. But not if it is an Open Telmark or a Three Step. either Curving or otherwise.
Re: Unusual Figures
Posted by interested
8/21/2008  7:17:00 PM
why would you have to hold on for an extra count to end with a feather. why couldnt you day say a whisk (starting on beat 1), a natural zig-zag, a normal Change of direction, followed by a feather. and even if you werent on the accented beat at the beginning of the feather would that be such a disaster.

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